Institutional relations, integrated territorial promotion, community and media relations for Terna S.p.A.

Fondazione Ecosistemi supports Terna S.p.a. in the management of territorial relations related to the works on the national transmission grid. The activities of institutional relations at the local level, integrated territorial promotion, community and media relations are aimed at the realisation of Terna’s works in the collective interest and in a framework of reduction and good management of social conflicts.

Fondazione Ecosistemi’s approach allows it to look at the territory in a holistic and unitary way, while intercepting and enhancing the many diversities that make it up. Institutions, associations, media and citizens (together with all other relevant stakeholders) constitute a continuum of ideas, instances and interests that are in relation to each other. The ability to recognise and enhance these relationships, identifying common interests and facilitating the creation of win-win solutions can significantly influence the success of territorial relations activities. This approach reflects the usual modus operandi of Fondazione Ecosistemi, which in twenty years of activity in the field of sustainable development has built and structured strong relationships on a national and local scale with public administration, businesses, trade associations, and the environmental and social world.

A composite and transversal relational capital that Fondazione Ecosistemi continues to make available to Terna since 2017, initially in Campania and subsequently also in Lazio, Umbria, Calabria and Basilicata. Fondazione Ecosistemi has in-depth knowledge of the drivers of the ecological and energy transition, the challenges that responsible and sustainable companies face today, the changes in the climate of opinion and in public policies, both European and national, that deal with climate, energy, environment and sustainability.  Thanks to this, Ecosistemi supports and enhances Terna’s role as an actor in the ecological transition, contributing to improving its reputation and constantly framing its territorial choices within a national framework that distinguishes the company in terms of sustainability, and that allows it to meet the economic, social, environmental, and governance objectives set forth in the 2021 Development Plan.

Objectives and instruments

The methodology proposed by Fondazione Ecosistemi envisages the coordinated and integrated planning and implementation of various relationship activities with subjects who are the bearers of local instances in relation to Terna’s work in the area, the so-called stakeholders: the relationship activities with institutional subjects, with citizens resident or in any case active in the area, and with the local media are conceived and implemented by a coordinated multidisciplinary team, capable of interacting on different levels and in different ways with respect to the various interlocutors, but pursuing common objectives.

This way of working is particularly effective in today’s society, which is characterised by a strong disintermediation of traditional social bodies, and by the sometimes spontaneous formation of new masses of opinion, which cannot always be intercepted through traditional political and institutional lenses, and which require constant work on several levels: that of personal relations and that of the aggregation and consolidation of opinions through the media, with particular attention to social media.

The objective of the entire activity is to improve the company’s reputational positioning and to accompany the construction of the works by generating minimal or no social conflict or environmental impact. Accompanying Terna as a pivot in a process of Ecological and Energy Transition, which requires a renewed collaborative approach among institutions, businesses, associations, citizens, and territories that is consistent with the medium- to long-term paths of ecological transition.

Contact:  Gianna Le Donne (
Area:  Stakeholder Engagement
Keywords: Stakeholder engagement, Institutional relations, Community relations, Media relations, energy transition, ecological transition, digital transition 

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